Code Buckets

Buckets of code

Multiple Projects with .Net Core and Visual Studio Code

The challenge is to create a solution in VS Code with multiple projects. There are three projects A console application A web api application A library with data access code that is common to both. It will look like this…

Getting the Root Directory Path for .Net Core Applications

Quick one. Given any .Net app I want to know the root path of the application i.e. the top level directory. I was doing this with .Net Core but it puts in extra directories by default in the exe path…

From Classic ASP to React

I’ve been a software developer for over 16 years. It’s not that long but in terms of software development it’s pretty long time. Perhaps it’s like dog years – 1 development year equals 7 normal person years so actually I’ve…

Better Numeric Range Input with ASP.NET MVC, HTML5 and JQuery

The Sin I recently wrote this horrible code to generate a drop down box to select any number from 1 to 12. Html.DropDownList(“ddlClockHours”, new List<SelectListItem> { new SelectListItem {Text = 1.ToString(), Value = 1.ToString()}, new SelectListItem {Text = 2.ToString(), Value…

70-486 Developing ASP.NET MVC Web Applications – Study Notes Part 2

I’ve previously posted about preparing for 70-486 and some of the general materials that are available. Now I’m going to go through the syllabus a section at a time and highlight additional resources that I found useful. As I said…

70-486 Developing ASP.NET MVC Web Applications – Study Notes

I recently studied and passed the Microsoft exam Developing ASP.NET MVC Web Applications. Hooray. I thought it was a fair exam covering mostly helpful content – not something I can say for all the exams (70-551 I’m looking at you)….

Passing Parameters with Automapper

OK I admit it – sometimes I find automapper hard to work with. It’s fantastic when everything is well … auto, but some of the mappings I work with on a day to day basis are anything but automatic. There…

Handlerbars.js and Working with Complex Objects in MVC

In a previous post I used an EditorFor template to display child objects correctly on a view. Now we are going to use some simple JavaScript templating to add child objects. We have a page display book details and want…

ASP.Net MVC and Binding Complex Objects Magic

I’ve a habit of declaring things magical when I don’t fully understand how they work and haven’t the time to look into them any further. One of the things I’ve often declared magical is model binding with MVC. It just…