Code Buckets

Buckets of code

Working with Dynamic Images in React Native

I’ve been recently developing mobile apps using React Native and TypeScript and here’s an odd thing – it’s not actually possible to use dynamic images within React Native. The Problem with Dynamic Images I’ve coded an Android app that displays…

Where’s Kitty

After many months of intensive research, user testing and damn clever coding I have produced the ground-breaking gaming experience of Where’s Kitty – available online. Click here to play. Rules 20 Kittys have hidden themselves under the grid. It’s your…

Cellular Automata with React

Here is a fun thing – above is cellular automation coded (by me) in React. Specifically, it is Conway’s Game of Life Rules The rules are Any live cell with two or three live neighbours survives. Any dead cell with…

26 Tips for Localising your Application

I’ve worked with applications with different language variants for years. Here are some things I’ve learnt along the way. This is written from the point of view of an English speaker, working with an English application. In honour of that,…