Code Buckets

Buckets of code

Windows Subsystem for Linux Blue Screen of Death

Quick word of warning. A few days ago, I installed Windows Subsystem for Linux on my Windows 10 box. I was working on a React application that was written originally on a non-windows environment. The plan was to run the…

Why I’m using Digital Ocean

I’ve been writing bits and pieces of code and side projects for years now – it’s the fun side to professional development. Recently I’ve tidied up some of the projects and got them published to live where they can roam…

Deploying Asp.Net Core and MySQL into Linux Docker Containers – and Populating the Database

I’ve written an .Net Core API that I want to deploy out. I want to use all open-source software so it’s going to be using a MySQL database and be hosted on a Linux box somewhere. The Task I want…

Applying Entity Framework Migrations to a Docker Container

I’m going to run through how to deploy an API and a database into two separate Docker containers then apply Entity Framework migrations. This will create and populate the database with the correct schema and reference data. My idea was…

Browsing the File System in Windows and Linux Docker Containers

I’ve written a few posts about Docker now so I thought I would just step back and write a set of instructions on how to browse the file system via an interactive shell on a running container. Although it’s basic…

NuGet restore failing in Docker Container

I was tempted to write about this before, but I didn’t as there is already a very good, highly rated stack overflow answer with the solution. However, I’m just reinstalling Docker desktop and getting things working again and I wish…

Why I’m uninstalling Docker Desktop

It might be the parting of the ways for me and Docker Desktop for now. There have been good times. There have been bad times. But it’s relentless demands have become too much for one software developer to bear. I’ve…

Publishing SQL Server database in Docker

To me docker containers have an ethereal, almost unreal quality to them. Do they really exist? Where are they? What do they look like? To convince myself of their reality I want to use SQL Server Management Studio on the…

The process cannot access the file error with Docker Compose

I came across this error the other day when I was working on windows with Docker  Cannot start service db: failed to create endpoint dotnet-album-viewer_db_1 on network nat: failed during hnsCallRawResponse: hnsCall failed in Win32: The process cannot access the…

Choosing between Visual Studio Team Services and On-Premises TFS

A few days ago I bit the bullet and upgraded our on premises Team Foundation Server from TFS 2015 to TFS 2015 Update 4. As I sat there, after hours, watching the update spinner with the IT department on speed…