Code Buckets

Buckets of code

Where’s Kitty

After many months of intensive research, user testing and damn clever coding I have produced the ground-breaking gaming experience of Where’s Kitty – available online. Click here to play. Rules 20 Kittys have hidden themselves under the grid. It’s your…

Copying static files into build directory with Angular

This is probably obvious for Angular aficionados and aficionadistas but I found how to copy static files into the output directory of an angular application non-obvious. To do it go to angular-cli.json in your project root and add the static…

Hosting Angular in IIS under an existing website

I recently had cause to put an Angular application a IIS sub application under an existing .Net website so effectively they share the same host url. It took me longer than it should have done – I made heavy weather…

Yet Another Free JavaScript Book: Angular 5

As part of my unplanned and unasked for blog series – Free JavaScript books, here is another. So introducing ‘Angular 5: From Theory To Practice: Build the web applications of tomorrow using the new Angular web framework from Google’ by…

Angular pipe to truncate text to the nearest whole word

The problem I want to truncate text in Angular 5 using a pipe. I don’t just want to chop the text up inbetween words. I want to truncate to the nearest whole word. And I want a ellipses on. I…

A web.config implementation for AngularJS

It’s said that when learning a new language or framework it is best to approach it fresh, with no preconceived ideas from other languages. So completely ignoring that advice here is my implementation of an ASP.NET web.config file in AngularJS….

Troubleshooting blank pages and render failures in AngularJS.

An odd thing happened this weekend when I was tinkering with some code while pointedly ignoring my daughter and parenting responsibilities generally. The Task Put in a new directive to implement a reusable panel to display error information. Not ground…

Simple Debug Panel for AngularJS

I am aware that there are many many other ways to get debug information from an AngularJS application but that’s not stopped me implementing another one. I do actually find a customised output of JSON objects useful particularly when working…

Simple String Concatenation Filter for AngularJS

I’m currently tinkering around with Angular JS. I’ve always liked JavaScript and since there is currently one or two (thousand) JavaScript frameworks around I thought I would have a go at the Angular. It wasn’t immediately obvious how to cleanly…