Code Buckets

Buckets of code

Why I’m using Digital Ocean

I’ve been writing bits and pieces of code and side projects for years now – it’s the fun side to professional development. Recently I’ve tidied up some of the projects and got them published to live where they can roam…

Moving hosting to Hostinger

I’ve been meaning to move the hosting for codebuckets for months now. My level of enthusiasm for moving hosting come somewhere between going to the dentist and getting my annual taxes sorted. Actually, it’s less appealing than both those unappealing…

80/20 rule for blogs

There is a pithy saying I’m fond of The first 80% of a product features will be developed in 20% of the time The last 20% of a product features will be developed in 80% of the time I think…

10 Beautiful Software Development Haikus

In my day job I send a lot of very routine emails announcing new deployments or pleading with people to fix the continuous build. I’ve started to amuse myself by sending them as haikus (3 line poems with 5, 7…