Code Buckets

Buckets of code

Proctored vs In-Person Exams

I recently sat the AWS Developer Associate Exam and this time I thought I’d try a proctored exam with the folks at PSI exams. In the post-pandemic world, doing as much as we can remotely is the wise thing to…

AWS Developer Associate Certification Cheat Sheet

I’ve just taken and passed the AWS Certified Developer Associate Exam. While I’m basking in the after certification glow I thought I would tidy up and publish my exam notes as a cheat sheet. It’s a pretty long set of…

Is Udemy or Pluralsight the Best for AWS Exams?

I’ve taken quite a few professional exams over the years. Currently I’m studying for the AWS Developer Associate Exam. This time I’ve used both Pluralsight and Udemy to study for it. So, is Udemy or Pluralsight the best for this…

Artificial Intelligence A-Z

I’m just getting back into the blog after a break. In that spirit, I’m backfilling posts about some of the stuff I’ve read. watched and listened to during that break. My boss told me that anyone who doesn’t know about…

70-480 Programming in HTML5 with JavaScript and CSS3 – Study Notes

I recently took MS exam 70-480 (and passed and was surprisingly delighted). So before the good feelings dissolve away I thought I would publish a few notes and useful links. I’m not going to be comprehensive but I’m just going…

Yet Another Free JavaScript Book: Angular 5

As part of my unplanned and unasked for blog series – Free JavaScript books, here is another. So introducing ‘Angular 5: From Theory To Practice: Build the web applications of tomorrow using the new Angular web framework from Google’ by…

Another Free JavaScript Book

My least viewed blog post is the one about a free JavaScript book. So building on that lack of success here is another post about another free JavaScript book. You don’t know JS: Up and Going by Kyle Simpson is…

Lightning Talk at Leeds Sharp

I’m doing a lightning talk at Leeds Sharp user group tomorrow. It’s going to be 10 to 15 minutes about how to write more robust SpecFlow tests – subtitle ‘how I stopped worrying about my Specflows and started living life…

The Worst Thing About Microsoft Exams

I’ve long been a bit of a fan of Microsoft exams – shiny new exams that give the veneer of professionalism to a CV. Lovely. I did a fair number at the start of my career and a few thereafter….

Free Book: JavaScript Best Practice

A quick one. Most web developers can write JavaScript and I suspect it’s on most developer’s CVs somewhere. But it’s easy to write bad JavaScript and not so easy to write the good stuff. I guess it’s because JavaScript itself…