A quick one. Most web developers can write JavaScript and I suspect it’s on most developer’s CVs somewhere. But it’s easy to write bad JavaScript and not so easy to write the good stuff. I guess it’s because JavaScript itself is so free and easy. It isn’t opinionated.
So I thought this JavaScript best practice primer was an excellent read and it’s freely available. It’s an online bonus appendix to Simon Holme’s Getting MEAN book. The book itself is really good and worth a read if you are interested in the MEAN stack. The appendix though is like multi vitamins – it’s good for everyone.
Even though I’ve been writing JavaScript on and off for years it still showed me a thing or two. It covers things like
- Variable hoisting
- Block and global scope
- Callbacks
- Comparison operators
- Object orientated coding including IIFE
- And more ….
Only takes half an hour or so to read and I’m a slow reader. One to recommend to family and friends. It’s certainly what my Mum is getting next Christmas.