I’ve been meaning to move the hosting for codebuckets for months now. My level of enthusiasm for moving hosting come somewhere between going to the dentist and getting my annual taxes sorted. Actually, it’s less appealing than both those unappealing options. I just don’t want to do it.
But I have bitten the bullet, grabbed the greasy pig, put on my big boy panties and moved my hosting to Hostinger over the weekend. While they were a few wrinkles (my stylesheets completely disappeared at one point leaving codebuckets looking like it was a website from the 90s) it all happened pretty smoothly – largely due to the excellent support over at Hostinger. So, it’s a big shout out to the support guy, Ignas from Lithuania, for spending a good chunk of time helping me out and getting me the new configuration just as I wanted. Thank you.
The good thing is that now it’s over with some other sites I run, I can legitimately claim the hosting costs back against my business expenses – marvellous. And what’s more, I’ve hooked up an SSL certificate, which came free when I bought the hosting, so now codebuckets is finally https as it should have been all along.
So, job done. All, I need to do now is sort out my 2020/21 taxes. Sadly, I can feel my euthusiasm draining away again!