Resharper Build and Run
Just a quick shout out for Resharper’s new build and run feature. I’ve become accustomed to Resharper slowing my machine up as it endlessly loads a variety of caches and processes. Speaking as a member of the slower development machine…
Getting the Root Directory Path for .Net Core Applications
Quick one. Given any .Net app I want to know the root path of the application i.e. the top level directory. I was doing this with .Net Core but it puts in extra directories by default in the exe path…
From Classic ASP to React
I’ve been a software developer for over 16 years. It’s not that long but in terms of software development it’s pretty long time. Perhaps it’s like dog years – 1 development year equals 7 normal person years so actually I’ve…
Shorter syntax for Node.js module import
I’ve found myself writing a lot of import module statements during React development that I could have shortened. It’s a bit dispiriting when everything above the fold in your code is a boilerplate import. To give an example – this…
Only 92% Happy According to Cognitive Services
I’m particularly pleased with the photo of myself on this blog. I normally look a bit odd on photos but this one was taken about 2 days into a new job for an id card. I still had the new…
Another Free JavaScript Book
My least viewed blog post is the one about a free JavaScript book. So building on that lack of success here is another post about another free JavaScript book. You don’t know JS: Up and Going by Kyle Simpson is…
Accessing form data with React.js
Accessing form data seems a standard thing to be doing so I disappointed myself and my entire family when I couldn’t do it straight away with when using React. After a little thought and a bit of practice I implemented…
Simple Debug Panel for React.js
A few months ago I wrote about implementing a debug panel in AngularJS. I’m just getting into React.js so I thought I would do the same by way of comparison. Maybe I’ve become a less complex person in the intervening…
HTTP 301: Moved Permanently (to Australia)
After 18 months in the planning I am formally issuing a HTTP 301 request for the Brown family – we are emigrating to Australia. Right now our life has been dismantled and put in a 20 foot shipping container –…
6 ways to extract the computer name from a network file path with PowerShell
(and a sprinkle of Regex) The Aim They say that a good definition of madness is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. Surely then another definition of madness is do a thing perfectly well once…